Free! the Final Stroke The Second Volume (2022)

Free! the Final Stroke The Second Volume

After his first appearance on the competitive world stage, Haruka was overwhelmed by Albert’s swimming and lost his way. “What are you swimming for?” His reason to swim and what the water means to him are called into question. The question has trapped Haruka, and he struggles to find the answer on his own.

Release: Apr 22, 2022

Duration: 1h 47m

Genres: Animation, Drama, Comedy

Country: Japan

Quality: HD

Actors: Nobunaga Shimazaki, Tatsuhisa Suzuki, Mamoru Miyano, Koki Uchiyama, Yoshimasa Hosoya

Director: Eisaku Kawanami

IMDb: 6.1/10

Keywords:Free! the Final Stroke The Second Volume #sports#swimming#swimming club#anime