Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon
Usagi Tsukino is a clumsy teenage girl who becomes a Magical Girl named Sailor Moon after meeting a cat named Luna, who tells her she is a destined warrior who must find the reincarnated princess of a lost kingdom. Along the way, she meets other reincarnated warriors who join her group known as the Sailor Senshi who fight the forces of the evil mastermind behind the Dark Kingdom.
First Release: Oct 04, 2003
Duration: 25m
Genres: Drama, Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Country: Japan
Actors: Miyuu Sawai, Keiko Kitagawa, Rika Izumi, Ayaka Komatsu, Mew Azama, Rina Koike, Jouji Shibue, Aya Sugimoto, Keiko Han, Chieko Kawabe
Director: Naoko Takeuchi
IMDb: 6.8/10