Season List
Ishq Mein Kafir
The story revolves around a family whose life was destroyed due to the consequences of black magic. Salima believes in black magic and keeps going to these people for amulets and other things to solve her family problems. On the other hand, the story also revolves around the lifestyle of Ujala, Salima's teenage daughter who starts practicing black magic to obtain her love Fahad who is in love with Dua.
First Release: Aug 27, 2018
Duration: 40m
Genres: Drama
Country: Pakistan
Actors: Saboor Aly, Saba Faisal, Gohar Mumtaz, Sadia Faisal, Mohsin Gillani, Momina Iqbal, Waseem Tirmazi, Aymi Khan, Ayesha Khan, Humayun Gull
IMDb: 8/10